Thursday, February 23, 2012

Room to Maneuver

The drive into work this morning was pretty horrible due to the snowy and icy conditions. I saw a car in the lane next to me slide into the back of another car at a stoplight, and as I later turned left thru an intersection, I was almost t-boned by a car that couldn't stop for the red light. Thank God for 4-wheel drive. Had I not had that enabled, I would have been unable to avoid that collision.

This got me thinking again about Margin in our lives. On a slippery road, you need to give yourself extra maneuvering space to avoid accidents. In the same way, the busyness of our lives creates a slipper surface on which we need to allow space to maneuver. This extra space is Margin. It's choosing to say 'No' to every activity that comes your way. It's choosing to intentionally take a break and Rest.

There is a great book on this topic entitled Margin by Richard Swenson, M.D. I read this book a few years back, and the principles and ideas presented in the book have stuck with me. I also have had the opportunity to hear Richard speak, and he made a strong point of intentionally taking advantage of 'Three Free Gifts of God to Man:'
  • Nature
    • Even if you live in a city, take advantage of the parks that exist. Get outside, breathe some fresh(ish) air, and absorb the nature God has blessed us with. Finding even a moment of escape from the man-made world we are surrounded by and placing yourself in the God-made world of nature is healing. In the Spring and Summer, close your eyes and listen to the movement of the animals, the chirping of the birds, the wind through the leaves. In the Fall, listen to the crunch of leaves underfoot and relish the cool crisp air of autumn. During Winter, bundle up and appreciate the silence the snow creates. Snow naturally absorbs sound, and it is relieving to be able to not hear the hustle and bustle of the busyness around us.
  • Music
    •  There is something about music that stirs the soul. I recently heard someone read a passage of Scripture then read it again with music playing in the background. The words were the same, but when he read it with music playing, the strings of my heart were stirred. Turn the radio on, pull out your mp3 player, or better yet, make your own music. If you're like me and are somewhat embarrassed by the music you create, do it alone. =D
  • Laughter
    • "A joyful heart is good medicine." (Proverbs 17:22). I find few things more emotionally satisfying  than throwing my head back and laughing heartily. And those that know me know what I mean. So much in life can cause laughter, and while I don't always know why something strikes me as funny, I decide to let it out rather than stifling it. The beautiful thing about laughter is that it's contagious. Those who watch movies with me probably laugh more because I'm laughing than because of the movie itself.
Make a point of enjoying one of these Free Three this week. Trust me, you won't regret it!


  1. Like the weather, the conditions in our lives change as well. Changes at work, changes in relationships, changes in family can all affect our need of more or less margin. But like when there's ice on the road, you are the one who has to let off the gas to create the margin. If you don't intentionally create it, it won't happen.

  2. Good point, Jeff. Margin requires an intentionality which comes from recognizing the importance of it and choosing to make it a priority.
