Monday, June 25, 2012

Forest Fires

Two days ago a forest fire started just West of Colorado Springs. I was in a softball tournament that day, and shortly after our second game started, I saw a small trickle of smoke rising to the West. My first thought was that a house was on fire, but as the game progressed and the trickle grew into a massive column of smoke, I knew the fire was on a much grander scale than what I had originally thought. It was also farther West than what I had originally thought, for which I am grateful.

So far, no structures have been lost, although thousands of acres of forest have been consumed by the raging inferno. But what is almost more disconcerting to me is the raging inferno going on in people's hearts as the rumors swirl about this fire (and others in the state) being intentionally started by an arsonist. A cry (rightfully so) is going out demanding Justice for this atrocity, but some people are taking it to an extreme. Some have demanded that those who started this fire be burned alive just so they know how it feels. Others have requested spending 15 minutes alone with them before dropping them down a mine....followed shortly by a stick of dynamite.

I believe this demand for Justice is an indicator of us being made in the image of God. God is Just, and when we see injustice, it is natural to feel the need to do something about it. But God is also Merciful, and it's very hard to show mercy when we feel so much pain and see so much damage. Personally, I find it hard to balance seeking Justice and extending Mercy. Assuming someone did start this fire (and the others around the state), I think they do need to be brought to Justice, and I take confidence in the knowledge they will one day meet Justice face-to-face and have to accept the consequences of their actions. But I am not the one to give them that Justice. In my anger and frustration, I would not be able to properly balance Justice and Mercy and give them the proper judgement.

And as I contemplate why they might have done this, I can only conclude that they have either been greatly deceived in how to best communicate their issues or that they are suffering from some mental or emotional sickness.

Again, assuming the cause was arson, I am praying
  • The authorities find him/her quickly so as to not allow him/her to start any other fires
  • That he/she would come to put their faith in Jesus Christ so as to not have to experience God's Justice
  • That other people would realize that are just as sinful as this person is

One last thought.....the Bible tells us:

For lack of wood the fire goes out, and where there is no whisperer, quarreling ceases.
As charcoal to hot embers and wood to fire, so is a quarrelsome man for kindling strife.
(Proverbs 26:20-21)

Watch out that you don't start fires of your own by your gossip or quarreling.

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