Thursday, March 21, 2013


Seven days ago, Rachel and I started a 30-day detox program. The first two days were horrible. We were grumpy, tired, frustrated, and at each other's throats. The next couple of days were much better, and we've now settled into a routine and life is back to normal. Well, not quite.

Generally speaking, I feel much better than I did before we started the detox. There have been a few definite changes that I've noticed:

1) I've lost weight and inches. I have dropped six pounds over the past week, and my clothes aren't quite so tight. For instance, I put on a shirt this morning and looked in the mirror. The last time I wore this shirt, I could see my belly pressing through, but this morning it hung flat and loose.

2) I'm falling asleep faster, sleeping better, and waking up faster. I'll be the first to admit I am NOT a morning person. I usually wake up with just enough time to shower, pack a lunch, then drive to work (and usually arrive a couple of minutes late). But almost every day this week I have been up before dawn, either going to the gym or helping Rachel start the day. My boss is quite pleased to see me arriving at least fifteen minutes early each day.

3) The 2 o'clock lethargy hour has disappeared. I used to hate the 2-3pm hour because I could hardly focus on anything and I would often roam the office looking for a pick-me-up, whether it be coffee or cake or whatever. But the afternoon isn't really a problem for me any more.

I know I'm only a week into the program, and there are four more weeks to go, but I'm really looking forward to seeing how my body continues to improve. But it's also very eye-opening to see what the effects of toxicity are. I never would have thought my 'normal' life could be so much better by simply eating differently.

If you want to read a day-by-day log of our detox, check out Rachel's blog.

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