A couple of weeks ago, during the Broncos/Patriots game, the following commercial was aired:
When this commercial came on, the group we were with were immediately silenced, our actions were stilled, and our eyes were glued on the television. That expression-filled statement by that little girl is so powerful, "Wow!"
We discussed this commercial a little bit in chapel this morning, but it got me thinking later about the "Wow Factor" of Jesus. If you think about what He did, is doing, and will do, "Wow!" is a very apt response. But how often is our response more like, "Meh?"
In Revelations, Jesus reveals that the Church at Ephesus has 'lost their first love,' and I think another way one could phrase that message is, "You've lost the Wow Factor."
Whenever I experience God in a new way, I am incredibly wow'ed, but after the newness of that experience wears off, it just doesn't seem like that big of a deal anymore. It should still be a big deal, but it isn't. There has to be a way to stay Wow'd.
I am sure it requires consciously:
1) Remembering what He has done
2) Recognizing what He is doing
3) Anticipating what He is going to do
I find doing these three things on a regular basis incredibly difficult. What are some ways you have found that work for you? Please leave a comment below.
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